So, master, who are the great writers and speakers of our time? In these "interesting times", who are our Gorgias', our Ciceros, our Everetts, MLKs, and Obamas?
I would rank Donald Trump at the very top of current orators. Cicero would be canceled today. On the Democrats' side, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who packs her frequent Zoom get-togethers with Instagrammable tidbits. I reallly believe what I said in the post: prose works far better than poetry right now.
So, master, who are the great writers and speakers of our time? In these "interesting times", who are our Gorgias', our Ciceros, our Everetts, MLKs, and Obamas?
I would rank Donald Trump at the very top of current orators. Cicero would be canceled today. On the Democrats' side, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who packs her frequent Zoom get-togethers with Instagrammable tidbits. I reallly believe what I said in the post: prose works far better than poetry right now.