I love to contemplate this mystery - I don’t know if it can ever be “solved”. Thanks for your posts. And thank you too for building that fantastic Figarospeech website. I still send a lot of people there. I hope you’re well. JP

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Nov 4·edited Nov 4

So propaganda doesn't come from pro-pagan-agenda. Ah.

At some point in my past, someone told me that propaganda was a term the Church used to describe the speech and appeal of the pro-pagan druidic religions to the local people, and that's where the term came from. It sort of fit, so I never thought to question it. In hindsight, I should have. :-)

I tend to think the ends never justify the means (ultimately, the inescapable endpoint to an ends-justify-the-means perspective is might makes right, a scary proposition). I accept some short-term leeway in matters of immediate life and death.

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